a Save Square
Would you like to organize a Save Square? We are happy to help you start a group in your area!
Registration is initially done via the international Animal Save Movement. Fill in the form on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible (at Name of the chapter you would like to start please enter Animal Save Nederland + city).
Below you will find all the tools you need.

Save Squares 101
Everything you need to know about organizing a Save Square.
Outreach cards, signs & blindfolds
We will provide you with free materials.
Our Save Square footage selection.
You can find our playlist here.
Other tools
If you want to add an extra outreach method,
you can provide a VR headset.

For a few euros you can buy a simple headset in which you can place a smartphone. Also make sure you have headphones available (preferably no ear plugs for hygienic reasons).
On YouTube you can find VR-compatible videos from iAnimal:
- Pigs: Through the Eyes of a Pig
- Cows: The Dairy Industry in 360°
- Chickens: 42 Days in the Life of Chickens
- Pigs and chickens: British Pig and Chicken Farms in 360°

Need help?
Do you have questions or do you need help organizing a Save Square? Please reach out to us.